Saturday, November 14, 2009

Go to Jail and get Free Medical/Dental care?

I was thinking about commiting a crime just so I can get needed health and dental care. Only prisoners are given health benefits in this country-how sick is that! And for this, they want us to pay taxes-to drop bombs and pay for the criminals. How can anyone not rebel in a major upheavel and uprising against these barbaric principles. So, convince me what to do?

Go to Jail and get Free Medical/Dental care?
I'm sure you are kidding about commiting a crime. However I see where you'r comming from.I'm a EMT and do about 400 calls a year.It saddens me to repond to a call of a elderly person who has been sick for days,and still refuses to be seen in hospital because they have no to pay for medical bills.Couples with children,some both working 2 jobs and no heath benefits asking me if it is ness. that thier baby go to hospital because they can't afford it (most allow us to transport..thank God) I could go on and on. However our area covers 2 state Prisons,1 with a state of the art medical unit. If a inmate is injured ( fight,rape,stabed ect ) or has a sudden medical emg.( chest pains,diff. breathing,unrespondsiveness,possable stroke ect) We get to transport them ,no questions asked....the state pays.

Believe me,we do have the best medical care in this country,but the sytem sucks as to who gets it.As to convinceing you what to do? What can we do! When ever I vote I vote for the person who is not already in that office.Something has got to change.

Sorry if I sound harsh,but I needed to vent a little too. :)
Reply:RW-Where in upstate central NY? Report It

Reply:The care you get in prison is very minimal, if you get it at all. They are required to give you enough to keep you alive,not healthy.
Reply:become a nun and get free everything
Reply:move to canada free health care as long as you have full time job
Reply:going to jail to get your teeth cleaned my not be a wise decision.
Reply:that is stupid
Reply:yes lets give the man on death row a set of false teeth to take w/ him.oh he probably needs glasses too. more money is spent on prisoners than our own childrens school --- that is the truth! how sad is that!

i see that ppl dont see your Q for what it is -- a complaint that criminals get better benefits that actual good citizens. i hear you.i know your not serious just fed up w/ overpriced medical bills. make too much for medicaid yet not enough to afford health insurance-- unless you give up food %26amp; gasoline!
Reply:If you commit a crime you will have a criminal record for the rest of your life! Even with expungement the conviction is still in your record. You will not be able to get a lot of good paying jobs because of your criminal record! You want to risk all of that for a medical and dental? -- Which by the way is very very bad in jail. More prisoners die and get sicker in prison than anywhere else. Dont be stupid. Get a good job with medical and dental benefits.
Reply:First of all, you needn't commit a crime to have dental or medical coverage. If you are a student and of a certain age you can apply for medical to help pay for medical and dental. You could also buy your own insurance; the younger you are the cheaper it is. I know that it seems unfair that they recieve these benifits when the average joe works hard to obtain said benifits. You could seek a job which would offer you medical and dental, but don't commit a crime to recieve them; you'll then have a record and it will be near impossible to find a job. Always be honest in everything you do. Good luck!
Reply:Yes, it's true. It sucks, doesn't it? It's sad because my working family of 4 has to pay over $1,000/month for medical %26amp; dental insurance. Oh, plus we get to pay a butt-load of taxes for those who are incarcerated.

However, you could also get raped in prison %26amp; I doubt free health care is worth all the hassle of being locked up.

My suggestion is, if you really need health care and can not afford it, call your county health department %26amp; see if htey know of low-cost or sliding-scale fee clinics. Places like Planned Parenthood will give you low cost well woman exams %26amp; medication. Some county health offices will give free check ups %26amp; flu shots, etc. And if you ever need to go to a hospital for an emergency, they can not refuse you for lack of payment/insurance. You'll still have to pay them but they will often negotiate a lower free if you are a self-pay patient and they'll work out a low cost monthly payment plan.

About your only option in doing anything about the current system is to write your local congressman/woman or Senator. They won't do anything about it, but at least your voice will (supposedly) be heard.
Reply:It is true, but isn't that AWFUL ??
Reply:You'll get something else for free. It's called a criminal record. Do you really want to be locked up behind bars just for free medical care?
Reply:you sound crazy, dont do anything like that (committing a crime). but who am i to convince you, criminal minded
Reply:they do take pretty good care of prisoners i must say 3 meals a day no bills to pay free healthcare with medication,they even get to watch movies i haven't seen a movie in 3 years

clothes washed for you meals prepared for you hey its sounding pretty damnn good from where im sitting .

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