Monday, November 16, 2009

How does dental care at boot camp work?

I just found out I need about $5000 worth of dental work done, and there's no way I can possibly afford it. I leave for Marine boot camp in August, will the dentists there be able to do a root canal and crown?

How does dental care at boot camp work?
Generally there is not enough spare time at boot camp for anything but the most pressing of problems. If medically feasible - most dental work will wait until after you have completed training.
Reply:Not during boot camp. You will need to finish your training and then they should be able to do the work for you. My husband is Army but they have dentists on post that do the soldier's dental work and there are Marines on this base as well.
Reply:I'm not for certain......but they either won't let you go.....or they will give you the choice to be quiet about it during basic, and when you go to learn you job, bring it up and they will work on it for you. I know a lot of people in the Air Force, who didn't get their wisdom teeth pulled until tech school or their first base.

Almost positive they won't do crap for you in are too much of a liability then.
Reply:Sorry but they will only work on your immediate problems like cavities and broken teeth. Personally I wouldn't let them if I were you. I'm not sure if you can refuse or not but when I was in the Marine Corp boot camp at Paris Island, I hat my two front teeth broken but I had never had a problem with my teeth. They found I had 32 cavities in 14 teeth. I couldn't see a single one but they said I had them and they started fixing them. I got all of the cavities filled but broke my ankle on the day I was to get my front teeth fixed so they didn't get fixed.

I've had nothing but problems with my teeth ever sense. Now I have to let the VA work on my teeth and all they will do is pull my teeth.
Reply:i don't know about marines but i am navy and they did oral surgery at boot camp. If you have oral surgery expect only 2 days rest (siq) sick in quarters then thrown right back into the loop and expected to do just as well as others. They will cover all dental cost, all work wont get done at boot camp but some will. I had wisdom teeth removed at boot camp,
Reply:no. dental care at Boot camp is very basic. Problem is, they may decide that you cannot ship while you have these issues.
Reply:Yes, they take care of all your dental needs.


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