Thursday, November 12, 2009

Do you think lack of dental care is acceptable?

I myself am a clean teeth, visit your dentist person. But I know alot of people who just don't care about there teeth. I know of a woman who had dentures up and down when she tuned 30! Because her teeth rotted.

I have a great dental plan at work, have all my teeth, nice and straight and white. I always went to the dentist whether or not I had dental insurance.

So do you think lack of dental care is acceptable in 2008?

Why someone would let there teeth rot into there head?

Do you think lack of dental care is acceptable?
I am with you on that one. But getting dental work done is very expensive if you don't have insurance....but if you keep your teeth clean and go in for cleanings, then people most likely will not need to have dental work done. So yes, it is unacceptable.
Reply:No it's not acceptable. I can understand if somebody has crooked teeth, because orthodontic work is expensive and often not covered under benefits. But I am so put off by seeing people with dirty teeth and red inflamed gums.
Reply:Why would someone let their teeth rot out.....

Oh, I dunno, because they dont have dental insurance through work, have to pay bills and can barely afford eating let alone going to ANY kind of doctor, let alone a dentist....

And then there are those of us who genetically have teeth that are just plain bad....or have gums that are just plain bad - no matter how many times we brush, etc....

You might wanna try developing some compassion for people, because while your breath might be fresh, your self-righteousness stinks.
Reply:A vast majority of people don't have " a great dental plan" and can't afford to visit the dentist on a regular basis.

Having dentures is not a crime so, I guess my answer would be yes, it's acceptable.
Reply:I have been fortunate to have dental insurance for most of my life. Dentistry is a very expensive proposition if you don't. Some cannot afford it, some have a phobia about going to the dentist. Some people have very good teeth even though they don't take very good care of them and some people have terrible problems with their teeth and or gums and lose them even though they did everything they could to keep they healthy.

Judge not lest ye be judged.

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