Friday, May 21, 2010

As the US always boasts about its dental care why do thier serial killers always have crooked teeth ?

No cheeky answers or I will be over the there to kick some butt!!

As the US always boasts about its dental care why do thier serial killers always have crooked teeth ?
Why is this even a topic of discussioN?? Dental care is not like medical care - not everyone has it. It seems that you almost have to be middle class now to even be able to get dental care. Plus these guys in prison might never had dental care before, why give it to them now? No way should a serial killer have better teeth than the common man. Sure fix their absesses (?), cavities, etc. - but don't whiten their teeth or straighten them!
Reply:Dental care is a choice.
Reply:There is a difference between HAVING IT and REQUIRING everyone use it.
Reply:this is one issue where the US does excel - teeth. ever been to europe? Disgusting. Europe is one place where a frown looks better than a smile.
Reply:jeffery Dahmer had gorgeous teeth. of course he ate the victims... He had a Blender on his front porch so he could greet you with a
Reply:you're thinking of the UK.

is that where you are?

i haven't been to a dentist in years by the way.
Reply:coz they are busy chewing on METH all day long, it rots their teeth!!
Reply:You make a false assumption about the teeth of serial killers; some of them have very fine looking teeth: Ted Bundy is a prime example.

Dental care for US citizens is very expensive now so you will probably see more snaggle toothed Yanks running around in the future.
Reply:Well at least they HAVE teeth..................

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